rhetoric of science, technoscience, scientific discourse, authorial identity, technical discourse, communicative efficiency, interaction, research articleAbstract
The current discussion within the framework of applied epistemology and interdisciplinary field opens up the possibilities for a linguistic approach. The paper presents the instance of linguistic analysis of technical scientific discourse. The empirical data includes the texts from mining and mineral processing spheres. The analysis focuses on the rhetorical devices, the manifestation of subjective, authorial identity and the interaction between the author/subject and the prospective addressee. The credibility of the obtained results is established through the comparison of English and Russian linguistic and cultural traditions. The revealed rhetorical patterns, namely the authorial self-identification, the communicative distance, and building a dialogue with the audience, contribute to the understanding of cognitive characteristics of researchers and their culturally determined specificity. English researchers in the field of technoscience are more likely to find a balance between the objective presentation of data and the authorial reference. The rhetorical devices used by English technoscientists aim to enhance communicative efficiency and outline the boundaries of the researcher’s responsibility. Russian technoscience demonstrates an impersonal manner and the lack of personal involvement in the scientific narration.
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