For contributors

All manuscripts are submitted via the journal website ("Make a Submission")

If you have any questions, contact the assistant editor:

Requirements for articles and book reviews:

Please, use DOC file type. Page size: A4. Font: Times New Roman, size 12. Do not double-space. Do not use "№" or "//" symbols! Instead of "№", use "no.". Instead of "//", just use period (".").

One submission should consist of two files

One file should contain the author information, title, information about founding (if necessary). All this information must be presented in Russian and in English (for authors who do not speak Russian, the editors will provide a translation of the metadata upon request).

Another file must contain the title, abstract, keywords and the text. It must be devoid of personal data and prepared for the blind peer review.

Further Guidelines

The author information must include Name, Last Name, the author's academic degree (if any) and institutional affiliation (with full mailing address: institution/place of work, address, city, ZIP/postal code, country), the author's e-mail.

The abstract should reveal the crucial information about the article which would allow the reader to understand the subfield in which the author's research is carried out, the main objectives of the research (the problem addressed, the relevance of this problem for the subfield, the contribution proposed by the author), the proposed solution, the proposed method of reaching the solution, the order in which the presented argument develops. The suggested legnth of the abstract is between 1500 and 2000 characters long.

The list of keywords (5-7) should reflect the core information relevant for the content of the article.

An article’s recommended size is 5000-6000 words. Unsolicited book reviews are invited. The standard size of a review is 1000 words.

Please, use notes on the page they appear in the text.

References inside the text. We prefer the references to be of the following style: [author’s last name, year: section or page(s)]. Examples: [Geach, 1967], [Pross, 2015, p. 28], [Cárdenas; Letelier; Gutierrez; Cornish-Bowden; Soto-Andrade, 2010].

The list of references must follow the manuscript (if the list contains Russian sources, then two lists of references must follow the article: in one the Russian resources should be referenced in Russian, in the other they should be referenced in a transliterated form (see the guidelines for translitertion below)).

Guidelines for the list of References:

Journal articles:

Quine, 1948 – Quine, W. "On What There Is", The Review of Metaphysics, 1948, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 21–38.

Cárdenas, Letelier, Gutierrez, Cornish-Bowden, Soto-Andrade, 2010 – Cárdenas, M. Lu, Letelier, J.-C., Gutierrez, C., Cornish-Bowden, A., Soto-Andrade, J. "Closure to Efficient Causation, Computability and Artificial Life", Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2010, vol. 263, no. 1, pp. 79–92.


Parsons, 1994 – Parsons, T. Events in the Semantics of English. A Study in Subatomic Semantics. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1994, 334 pp.

Kamp; Reyle, 1993 – Kamp H., Reyle U. From Discourse to Logic. Introduction to Model-theoretic Semantics of Natural Language, Formal Logic and Discourse Representation Theory. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1993, 713 pp.

Translations of books

Negri, 1991 – Negri, A. The Savage Anomaly. The Power of Spinoza’s Metaphysics and Politics, trans. by M. Hardt. Minneapolis (Minn.); Oxford: University of Minnesota Press, 1991, 280 pp.

Book chapters (articles in collective volumes):

Davidson, 1967 – Davidson, D. "The Logical Form of Action Sentences", in: N. Resher (ed.) The Logic of Decision and Action. Pittsburg: Pittsburg University Press, 1967, pp. 81–95.

Electronic resources (URLs): 

Graham B. What’s Wrong with the World, The Charlotte Observer, 1958 (September), Issue 28.  [, accessed on 21.04.2013]

Guidelines for transliteration of the Russian sources in the additional list of references:

Please, use for transliteration. Please, note that the transliterated version of the title of the referenced source must be followed by an English translation of the title (see examples below).

Journal articles. Example:

Zagurenko A.G.; Korotovskikh V.A.; Kolesnikov A.A.; Timonov A.V.; Kardymon D.V., 2008 – Zagurenko A.G., Korotovskikh V.A., Kolesnikov A.A., Timonov A.V., Kardymon D.V. "Tekhnikoekonomicheskaya optimizatsiya dizaina gidrorazryva plasta" [Techno-Economic Optimization of the Design of Hydraulic Fracturing], Neftyanoe khozyaistvo – Oil Industry, 2008, no.11, pp. 54-57. (In Russian)

Books. Example:

Kanevskaya, 2002 – Kanevskaya R.D. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie gidrodinamicheskikh protsessov razrabotki mestorozhdenii uglevodorodov [Mathematical Modeling of Hydrodynamic Processes of Hydrocarbon Deposit Development]. Izhevsk: Italmas, 2002, 140 pp. (In Russian)

Book Chapter. Example:

Belkina; Korsakov, 2008 – Belkina G.L., Korsakov S.N. “I.T.Frolov i stanovleniye otetshe-stvennoy bioyyetiki” [I.T.Frolov and the formation of the Russian Bioethics]. Bioetika i gumanitarnaya ekspertiza [Bioethics and Humanitarian Expertise]. Moscow: Progress, 2008, pp. 15-45. (In Russian)

Referencing Russian Translations of Non-Russian Sources:

Whitehead,  A.N. Izbrannye trudy [Selected Philosophical Works]. Moscow: Nauka, 1990. (In Russian)

Searle, J. “Chto takoe rechevoy akt?” [“What Is a Speech Act?”], Novoe v zarubezhnoy lingvistike. no. 17. Moscow: Progress, 1986, pp. 151-169. (In Russian)


  1. Submitted manuscripts should reflect the scope of the journal  and can be submitted in electronic format (MS Word) by email.
  2. Manuscripts should be formatted in accordance with the guidelines: information for contributors (see above).
    Incorrectly formatted manuscripts may be rejected without review.
  3. Original research articles, translations of research articles, translations of classical philosophical articles and books which haven’t been published in Russian before, literature and science reviews, and book reviews will be considered for publication. Non-academic articles will not be considered for publication. 
  4. Publication languages: Russian and English.
  5. There is no charge for publications. There is no royalty for publications. 
  6. Submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editor(s) to determine if it reflects the aims and the scope of the journal, and to check the appropriateness of the format. The manuscript will not be considered for publication if it does not meet the above criteria, and the author(s) will be informed of the decision. 
  7. Upon acceptance of the manuscript, a standard agreement is signed between the author and the journal. 
  8. Author(s) must guarantee that the manuscript has not been published previously or concurrently submitted for publication in a different journal. Manuscripts must be original and cannot include previously published material from monographs or published dissertations. 
    Translated articles will be printed in accordance with copyright laws and with the permission of the original author(s). It is the responsibility of the translator to obtain the rights to a foreign title and reach an agreement with copyright holders concerning the rights to a translation. The author is responsible for the accuracy of citation, bibliography, transcription of names and titles.
    If the manuscript meets the required criteria, it will be checked for plagiarized material. In the case of such material being discovered, and also in the case of the material being published previously, the manuscript will be rejected and the author(s) will be informed of the decision. 
  9. If the manuscript meets all of the above criteria it will be forwarded to two reviewers within two weeks of submission. The author(s) will be informed of the commencement of the review process. The length of the review process may not exceed one month from the date of receiving the manuscript. Reviewers can decline within one week from the date of receiving the manuscript and must inform the journal of their decision.
  10. All manuscripts considered for publication in the journal "Epistemology and Philosophy of Sciences" have to undergo the process of anonymous peer review and approval by the editorial board. Review process is anonymous for the author and the reviewers. 
  11. The author or any of the co-authors cannot be reviewers. Academic supervisors of graduate students or colleagues from the institution where the author is currently employed may not be invited as reviewers. Invited reviewers must inform the editorial board about any potential conflict of interest. 
  12. All reviewers have expertise in areas reflected in the submitted material and have published in the field within the past three years. Reviewers may be selected from among the members of the editorial board and among the experts from various research and higher education institutions across the country. In some cases reviewers may come from outside of the country. If the manuscript is of an interdisciplinary nature the experts from appropriate fields may be invited to take part in the review process. 
  13. Review process is confidential. Reviewers and members of the editorial board must keep all reviewed material confidential. Reviewers and editors must not share materials submitted for review with third parties and use them for their own academic purposes before their official publication and without the author’s agreement.
  14. The review should include an expert analysis of the material, objective and well-supported evaluation and constructive recommendations. The review should be concluded with the final decision concerning the suitability of the manuscript for publication: the manuscript is recommended for publication, the manuscript is recommended for publication following revision; the manuscript is not recommended for publication. 
  15. The whole review process (including the decision about publication) should be finished within 3 months since the date of article registration.
  16. In case of a positive assessment from both reviewers the manuscript must then be approved by the editorial board. Upon acceptance the author(s) will be informed by email, which may include a list of suggested revisions. The editorial board retains the right to reject the manuscript even if a positive assessment was given by both reviewers. The author(s) will be fully informed of the reasons for rejection.
  17. In case of negative assessments from both reviewers the author(s) will be provided with the reasons for rejection. In case of two conflicting reviews the editor-in-chief will make the final decision concerning the manuscript. In case of disagreement between the reviewers the manuscript may be forwarded to a third independent expert. The selection of reviewers can be determined by the editorial board, or by the editor-in-chief, or by a deputy editor.
  18. The editorial board will forward the copies of anonymous reviews to the author upon request.
  19. The journal issue with the print version of the accepted manuscript is decided by the editorial board. Acceptance of the manuscript does not guarantee its publication in the current issue. 
  20. Reviews will be kept for a period of five years.

The editorial board agrees to submit copies of the reviews to the Department of Education and Science of Russian Federation upon request.