Consciousness and Language: Reply to Petr S. Kusliy


  • Andrey V. Smirnov Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences



Arabic literary language, copula, collective cognitive unconscious, metalanguage


The article responds to the critical review by P.Kusliy [Kusliy, 2023] of my latest book [Smirnov, 2021]. In order to show the false and unscientific nature of my position, P.Kusliy puts forward three basic theses: I proceed from the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis of linguistic relativity; I assert that the Arabic literary language (ALA) lacks a copula; ALA has no native speakers in the modern world, which means that ALA is not relevant for discussing the relationship between language and thought. Those three theses of P.Kusliy are fake assersions having zero correspondence in my theoretical texts and language situation in the Arab-speaking world, therefore his statements cannot be considered as justified at least to some extent and serving to eliminate the shortcomings of my theoretical position. I argue that a single metalanguage is impossible for European languages and ALA: their analysis and description should be done in two different (meta)languages having diverse logical basis and content and therefore directly untranslatable into each other. The inadequacy of P.Kusliy’s interpretation of my position is caused by his non-reflective acceptance of the collective cognitive unconscious of the European big culture as having no alternative and, consequently, as universal.



How to Cite

2023. Consciousness and Language: Reply to Petr S. Kusliy. Epistemology & Philosophy of Science. 60, 3 (Oct. 2023), 224–237. DOI: