The history of science in the context of the state ideology (how physicists’ scientific discussion was treated in Soviet and post-Soviet literature)


  • Alexander A. Pechenkin Lomonosov Moscow State University



scientific discussion, optics, diffraction, scientific theory, the history of science, patriotism, historicism, ideological language


Mandelstam's criticism of the Rayleigh theory of the blue color of the sky (1907) and his polemic with M.Planck (1907-1908) did not become notable events in the history of physics. However, the method of their coverage in the Soviet and in the post-Soviet physics literature is remarkable. Most of Soviet physicists and historians of physics supported Mandelstam's point of view in his criticism of both Raleigh and Planck. The situation changed only at the beginning of the 21st century: in the Russian literature the publications appeared emphasizing that in the Raleigh-Mandelstam and Planck-Mandelstam controversies Mandelstam was not right, Raleigh and Planck were closer to the truth.

Which presumptions of this trend can be noted? This was patriotism of the scientific school peculiar to Mandelstam’s graduate students and the former graduate students, the patriotism connected with solidarity which helped Mandelstam’s community to survive in the Soviet totalitarian regime and in the totalitarian organization of science.

This was also progressionism which was popular among academics and among men in the street. The phenomenon of common knowledge, mutual knowledge among the members of a scientific community should be taken under consideration. Common knowledge is connected with the non-thematized anonymous inclusion of the ideological terminology into scientific discourse.





Case studies - Science Studies

How to Cite

2023. The history of science in the context of the state ideology (how physicists’ scientific discussion was treated in Soviet and post-Soviet literature). Epistemology & Philosophy of Science. 60, 2 (Oct. 2023), 168–186. DOI: