Who Studies The Studies of Science and Technology? On the Principle of Reflexivity From an Empirical and Theoretical Points of View


  • Olga E. Stoliarova Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences




epistemology, postpositivism, science and technology studies, strong program in the sociology of scientific knowledge, principle of reflexivity, philosophical explanation, empiricism


The article discusses the methodological principle of reflexivity, as it was formulated in the strong program of the sociology of scientific knowledge. The applicability of this principle in science and technology studies is analyzed from empirical and theoretical points of view. The principle of reflexivity expresses the requirement of scientific universalism: it forbids the exclusion of one’s own cognitive activity and its results (knowledge) from the world totality of objectively observable things and processes, in this case – beliefs. In D. Bloor’s imperative formulation, the principle prescribes applying the explanatory methodology of the strong program in relation to the strong program’s own fundamental theoretical and methodological concepts. The implementation of this principle in STS faces practical problems and theoretical paradoxes. In line with the methodology of the strong program, the author asks the question about the social conditions of the failure of the principle of reflexivity. The author shows that, empirically cognizable social conditions for the realization of the principle of reflexivity can be fulfilled. However, their fulfillment does not lead to reflexive work, which presupposes an external position of the one who explains in relation to what is explained. In accordance with the postpositivist concept of the underdetermination of theory by facts, the external position is achieved through the speculative transition from the factual given to the hypothesis explaining this given. The author shows that the external position taken by internal critics of the STS research community becomes the position of speculative philosophy.



How to Cite

2023. Who Studies The Studies of Science and Technology? On the Principle of Reflexivity From an Empirical and Theoretical Points of View. Epistemology & Philosophy of Science. 59, 4 (May 2023), 21–30. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5840/eps202259453.