
  • Olga A. Shapiro Institute of Management, RANEPA St. Petersburg
  • Elena G. Shkorubskaya V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University



expert, science, argumentation, public communication, P. Feyerabend, T. Nichols, J. Habermas, B. Latour


The article is devoted to the problem of the expert knowledge crisis, which consists in a decrease in public trust in scientific experts, the transformation of the role of experts in making socially significant decisions, escapism or neglect on the part of experts in relation to society. We believe that in order to resolve the existing confrontation between society and experts, it is necessary to compare the positions of both and then formulate common grounds that can serve for resolving the conflict. We assign the role of moderator in the practice of resolving this conflict to politicians, who are forced to maneuver between the advice of experts and the opinions of voters and also take responsibility for the consequences of implementing decisions. Reconstructing the position of experts, we rely primarily on the work of T. Nichols “The Death of Expertise”. We believe that it very clearly articulates the concerns of the scientific community about its current status, role, and future fate, as well as the expert community’s understanding of the reasons for the current situation. The position of society is expressed in the works of P. Feyerabend. So, as the first task of our article, we see a comparison of these positions and identification of key points of conflict contradiction. Looking for resolving the conflict contradiction, we rely on the concept of communicative action by J. Habermas and the ideas of the actor-network theory of B. Latour. It is possible to compare all four positions thanks to the analytical approach to the history of philosophy of J. Barnes. An argumentative analysis makes it possible to clearly identify both the basic points of their contradiction and the positions common to all parties, which should form the basis for the search for consensus. Such basic positions are not the assessment of expert or profane knowledge, but the desire by all parties of communication to preserve the democratic structure of society.


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How to Cite

2024. EXPERTS VS SOCIETY: ON THE WAY TO COOPERATION. Epistemology & Philosophy of Science. 61, 4 (Dec. 2024), 129–145. DOI: