epistemology, technoscience, sociotechnical imaginaries, energy imaginaries, technopolitics, science and technology studiesAbstract
Based on the text of M. Mikeshin’s article, the author discusses how one can adjust the optics of epistemological reading of the article to see meta-scientific and cultural problems in a technoscientific text. The approaches developed within the STS (science and technology studies) field can help in this. STS point to the dependence of explanatory models of nature on specific epistemic cultures, and problematize the position of technological determinism, revealing a complex and contingent structure of interaction between nature, society, knowledge and technology. Laboratory studies (B. Latour, S. Woolgar, K. Knorr-Cetina) pointed to the prominence of literature in scientific work and showed that text of a scientific paper is a form of representation of the universe and mythology of a given scientific group or school. The concept of “sociotechnical imaginaries” (Sh. Jasanoff) allows us to analyze how values and perceptions of the desired future are embodied in the design of technological systems and principles of science and technology policy. The related concept of “energy imaginaries” is used to explore the specificity of national energy systems and the relationship of material configurations of infrastructure to the culture and political imagination of a community. Analyzing the visual material of scientific papers allows us to “unpack” the specificity of models that represent a stable picture of scientific knowledge. STS methodological settings can help to investigate a set of contextual aspects and meta-problems that are present in a technoscientific text, even without being explicitly included by the author – they are the result of conventions accepted in the respective scientific or regional community, correlate with the horizon of national or social perceptions and objectives. The power of epistemological reading of the article is thus expressed in the problematization of obviousness, revealing the correlation of sociocultural contexts with technoscientific ways of describing the world.
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